Monday, June 5, 2017

We will remember you forever

By Honorary Reporter Lalien Guillen Park
Photos = Lalien Guillen Park

In war, there are no winners. After every battle, blood is shed, lives are lost and both parties have fallen soldiers. War leaves nothing but pain and scars on the bodies and in the hearts of the survivors, whether they are soldiers or civilians.

It's no secret that the Korean War is still ongoing. For those who are unfamiliar with the Korean War, it all started on June 25, 1950, when North Korea, under a communist government led by Kim Il-sung, invaded South Korea. The gruesome battles between the two Koreas lasted for three years until a ceasefire was agreed on July 27, 1953. This is also known as the world's longest ceasefire, as the Cold War between the two Koreas still continues after almost 64 years.

Time may pass, but the scars of war remain. So in South Korea, one particular day is dedicated to remember and honor all the soldiers who bravely defended their country and all the citizens who lost their lives during the Korean War. This day is called Memorial Day (현충일), and it's held on the sixth day of the sixth month of the year.

On this day, memorial ceremonies are held at national cemeteries around the country, including the Seoul National Cemetery. The national Taegukgi  flag (태극기) is flown at half-mast, a siren is rung all over the country at 10 a.m. and people observe silent prayers for about one minute.

For the survivors of the Korean War, for their families and for the families of those who fell as war heroes, June 6 is a very important day. It's the day that they are commemorated for the heroic acts they did for their country. It's also a day when painful stories of war are recalled and relived.

My husband's family is one of the many families that have a sad story about the Korean War. The older people in my husband's family, including his late great grandparents and grandparents, all had first-hand experience of the ugly war. The houses where they grew up were bombed and burnt to ashes. In order to escape, they had to walk southward as far as they could to distance themselves from all the bombing and shooting. They dealt with extreme hunger and unimaginable hardship while walking to Busan. My husband's grandmother lost her younger brother on that journey of survival. At the age of eight, he died of hunger. Meanwhile, my husband's great grandparents lost their first son to the war, too. He was a young man called up to defend his country. His name was Park Sae-hyeon (박세현).

Last weekend, my husband and I went to Dongrak Park in Gumi, the city where we live. The park has a memorial area for fallen war heroes. There are soldier statues representing their patriotism, too.

There are also real tanks and fighter aircraft on display.

There are huge stone plaques engraved with the names of all the soldiers who served their country, not on only in the Korean War, but also in the Vietnam War, where South Korea also fought.

There is a tribute to all the countries that helped in the war against North Korea. South Korea has always been very vocal about how grateful it is to all the allied countries who fought alongside them in the Korean War. The country will never forget to show its gratitude to them every Memorial Day .

The South Korean government has kept a very detailed record of every tactical team -- army, marines, airforce, navy, and combat medics -- deployed to South Korea from 21 allied countries.

The South Korean government's huge gratitude is also evident in every war-related museum that you visit. I was able to witness this when I visited the Waegwan War Memorial Museum and the Chilgok Patriots & Peace Memorial in Waegwan-eup, Chilgok-gun, Gyeongsangbuk-do. Each country's flag was flown as a gesture of gratitude.

June 6 is a heartwarming day for all South Koreans. It's a day to remember the sacrifices of all the brave men and women, Korean soldiers and allies, who gave their lives fighting for the freedom and peace that the current generation now enjoys.

This Memorial Day, I will observe a minute of silence and pray for all the fallen heroes, assuring them that I, along with everyone else, will always remember them.