Thursday, June 15, 2017

K-pop names from Greek mythology

By Honorary Reporter Alexandra Koltsara
Photos = Flickr

Usually, K-pop groups choose very uncommon names. Have you ever wondered where the inspiration comes from? Sometimes it’s from very ancient sources, like the Greek language or Greek mythology. Unfortunately, most of the times the groups don’t even know it. Let’s start with some examples.

Exo: a trending force

The pop group Exo certainly doesn’t need an introduction. The name Exo is a shortened version of the word "exoplanet." An exoplanet is a planet that's out of our solar system. 
Where's the Greek influence in this example? It’s in the etymology of the word. Exo is a prefix meaning “outer” or “external” in the Greek language: έξω (éksō). Also, the word πλανήτης (planítis, “planet”) comes from the ancient phrase “πλανῆτεςἀστέρες” (planítes astéres), which means "a wandering star."

Astro: a super rookie group

The refreshing six-member rookie group Astro chose its name from the Spanish language, where astro means "star," while wanting to become stars in everyone’s hearts. 

If you take a deeper look at the word, you’ll realize that its origins are ancient Greek and that the word is used as it is nowadays: άστρο (ástro), a “celestial body.”

Using the word astro as a prefix, you get all the famous English words that everybody knows. For example, astronomy, astrology, astronaut and astrophysics. If we analyze the word astronaut we see that it’s from astro- and –naut -- or ναύτης, náftis, meaning “sailor" or "seaman” -- so we get to the conclusion that an astronaut is a sailor of stars or of the universe.

Pentagon: a charismatic rookie

According to the very recently debuted 10-member group Pentagon, their group name expresses their desire to become the greatest group with five qualities: singing and rapping, dancing, teamwork, talent and their minds. 

The group chose their name very wisely because the etymology of pentagon comes from the ancient Greek word πεντάγωνον, or pentágōnon, meaning “five-angled”: πέντε, pénte, or “five,” and γωνία, gōnía, or “corner" or "angle.” So a thumbs up to whoever gave them that name. 

Vixx: a group that can pull off any concept

The multi-talented six-member group Vixx has both cute and dark concepts, and for sure executed everything great so far. Not to mention the project Vixx 2016 Conception that is themed around gods and demigods of Greek mythology: Zelos, Hades, Kratos and Ker.

According to the group, "Vixx" stands for "Voice, Visual, Value in Excelsis." The phrase in excelsis means “in the highest degree” in Latin. However, the Latin language took that word from the Greek word ὑψίστοις, hypsístis, or “the highest.” 

Alphabat: the brightest new group

The group Alphabat named itself to show off its diverse and attractive qualities, like the letters in the English alphabet from A to Z, while -bat stands for Batman, because they want to become heroes and protect their fans. 

Their stage names are B:eta (Β, βήτα, “beta”), E:psilon (Ε, έψιλον, “epsilon”), G:amma (Γ, γάμμα, “gamma”), H:eta (Η, ήτα, “eta”) and K:appa (Κ, κάππα “kappa”), all from the Greek alphabet. 

Even the word alphabet itself derives from the first two letters Α (alpha) and Β (beta) of the Greek alphabet, and has been used ever since the 700s B.C.