Sunday, May 21, 2017

Egyptian peace messenger came to his 83rd home around the world

Egyptian globe trotter Ahmed Haggagovic visits Korea to deliver a message of peace. (Maeil Business News Korea)
By Honorary Reporter Esraa Elzeny

‘’Every day is a journey, and the journey itself is home." 
-- Matsuo Basho (1644-1694)

As a tribute from the Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Egypt, which supports ties between Egypt and Korea, it recently hosted Ahmed Haggagovic, an Egyptian globe trotter, for a K-culture Supporters Ceremony at one of the biggest hotels in Cairo, the Conrad Hotel. The ceremony included a tribute to several Egyptian media and cultural figures.

Ahmed Haggagovic was invited to the K-culture Supporters Ceremony, hosted by the Korean Cultural Center in Egypt. (Esraa Elzeny)

Ahmed Haggagovic is an Egyptian globe trotter, adventurer, tourism specialist, peace activist and TV presenter who has travelled to 113 countries in the world.

Known as the "Ibn Battuta of the 21th Century," the peace ambassador is an unusual ambassador to hail from Egypt.

His mission is to be the first human in history to travel to every country on earth to spread peace, harmony and to break stereotypes and to correct wrong thoughts about the world's countries.

Traveling with his famous Egyptian flag, which has become very famous due to it having been signed by many world leaders, presidents and ambassadors, it is a sign of the support he has found for his extraordinary peace mission around the world.

Every moment of his trip is documented with videos and photographs to share with the world. During his trips, Haggagovic has appeared in more than 1,500 media interviews worldwide and has given motivational inspiring lectures to school children and university youth in all the countries he visited.

Haggagovic is proud that the Egyptian national authorities are supporting him on his trip. Some of them are as follows:

Egypt Air, the Egyptian national airline, is the official carrier of his world mission.

The Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Egyptian Ministry of Civil Aviation are both also helping out.

Youm 7, one of the biggest news portals in the Middle East, is his official media sponsor.

Ahmed Haggagovic poses for a photo with the director of the Korean Cultural Center in Egypt. (Esraa Elzeny)

Haggagovic also made sure to stop in Korea as his 83rd country and he appeared in many Korean news stories at Korea Today, at the Times of Korea and on Radio Korea KBS World. Haggagovic talked about the ways in which Korea respected the victims of the Korean revolution. He visited their cemeteries and hoped that we would make such cemeteries in Egypt to remember our victims who sacrificed their lives for Egypt.

He also visited the Demilitarized Zone and talked about North and South Korea, and the differences between them and how South Korea developed and North Korea still doesn't have the internet. 

Haggagovic visits the DMZ between North and South Korea, one of the most dangerous borders in the world. (Ahmed Haggagovic)

Here you can find his episode about Korea.